Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Black Pastors Unite!

About 50-60 African American pastors and their congregants gathered outside the State Capitol Building to protest the Democrat's attempt to legalize same sex marriage. And to let the California NAACP know that they do not speak for all Blacks.

The Sacramento Bee quotes:

"We understand marriage very well - she's the one that's confused if she thinks homosexual marriage is OK," said Brenda Bennett, president of the Sacramento Alliance for Civil Rights.

The Rev. Alfred Walker, a pastor at Calvary Christian Center in Sacramento, said the proposed bill conflicts with Proposition 22. Overwhelmingly approved by voters in 2000, the initiative restricts marriage in California to a man and a woman.

"The people in California have clearly indicated what their preference is concerning this issue," Walker said. "It should not be an issue that judges, legislators and other people try to override."

Unfortunately, the Bee, as did much of the media in attendance seemed make every attempt to downplay the success of the event. They report only about “two dozen” in attendance.

Well thank God there were much more!

Click Here for the Real Story on the event and to find out how you can support the Sacramento Alliance for Civil Rights!

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Craig DeLuz

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