Thursday, May 12, 2005

How Do We Narrow the Achievement Gap? Make Everyone Average!


In Palm Beach County, Florida thier answer to narrowing the achievement Gap is to change how they grade students.

The New York Post Reports:

Officials there plan to replace A-F grading with numbers 1, 2 and 3: 1 means the student is working a year or more below grade level, 2 indicates the student is working less than a year below grade level and 3 means they are working at or above grade level.

But, "at or above grade level" means there is no distinction between a child barely making the grade and an academic standout. It means getting "100" or "65" on a test is exactly equal.

Under this system, what is now a D- would be equal to an A+ !

What intellectual midget came up with this bright idea? Must be a #1!

Craig DeLuz

Visit The Home of Uncommon Sense…

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