Friday, May 6, 2005

So Much for Working Together


Union leaders implored the Governor to work with them to "Amend, not end" the current Defined Benefit Retirement plan enjoyed by California's public employees. And now that they've gotten their way, negotiations are over.

The LA Daily News reports:

After pressuring Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to drop his proposal to overhaul public-employee pensions, some union representatives have already abandoned negotiations for a new plan, administration officials said Wednesday.

These union bosses are out to break the Governor. They want him to put an end to his reform agenda.

On April 19, union representatives participating in the talks for a new plan staged what administration officials described as a melodramatic walkout. This followed an April 13 e-mail circulated among union leaders urging "no proposals, no negotiations until all the (governor's) initiatives are pulled."

"It's clear that what they want to do is hold California hostage to what is in their own selfish, self-interest," Schwarzenegger press secretary Margita Thompson said.

Quite frankly, it is up to us, the voters to determine if we will be held hostage.

Let's not let that happen! Support the Governor's Reforms!

(Click Pic For More)

Craig DeLuz

Visit The Home of Uncommon Sense…

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