Friday, August 19, 2005

Cindy Sheehan Joins NWA (Naders With Agendas)

NWA (Ni**az With Attitude) which featured the likes of Ice Cube, Eazy E and Dr. Dre gained fame and riches in the 1990’s by exploiting the very worst of the Black experience. Today, the new NWA (Naders With Agendas) are following in their footsteps by claiming the affinity with blacks and exploiting our culture to forward their own personal agenda.

Why call them Naders? Rather than use the N-word, I figure they should be named after their ring leader, Ralph Nader who actually admits to feeling like a Ni**er!

Talk show host Eric Hogue points out that by allowing Code Pink to dub her the “New Rosa Parks” , Cindy Sheehan has joined the growing chorus of liberals who are abusing Black history and cultural icons to promote their own Agendas; which by the way have nothing to do with issues facing the Black community.

The NWA crew includes:

PETA (aka Da’ Lynch Mob)- Fellow Western Alliance member, Fetching Jen reports on they chose to equate cruelty to animals to the lynching of Blacks.

Equality California (aka By Any Means Necessary)– At their EQCA Los Angeles Equality Awards this homosexual advocacy group will be pimping the memory of slain Black activist and Nation of Islam member Malcolm X by promoting the attendance of his widow, Betty Shabazz. I guess she’s not exactly an Islamic fundamentalist.

California NAACP President Alice Huffman (aka Sista Sellout)- She dared to liken 400 years of slavery, Jim Crow, lynching and the destruction of the Black family to the homosexual effort to destroy marriage. She had the nerve to say that Black Christians did not under stand the issue. She even went as far as to trade marriage for memberships in the NAACP.

Ralph Nader (aka Grand Dragon…I mean Grand Master “N”)- At a political fundraiser, he was quoted as saying “I felt like a Ni**er!” because DEMOCRATS were fighting to keep him off the presidential ballot in the south. They always tryin to keep a brotha down!

Now I realize that the NWA posse reaches much farther than the few members above, but they represent the most recent examples of just how far the left will go to exploit Blacks to get what they want. And like the epidemic of Gangsta Rap, I am sure we can count on the movement growing.

I think they should name their first CD “Pimp Blacks or Die!”

Craig DeLuz

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