Monday, October 3, 2005

Jesus Supports Same-Sex Marriage…So says California Democrats, NOT JESUS!

Last month, as I watched to debate on the resurrected Same-Sex Marriage Bill (AB 849-Kuehl) , I suffered through the endless sea of Democrats who stood up to comment on the bill. I bit my tongue when they ignorantly compared same-sex marriage to interracial marriage. I let it go when they misrepresented the values of the founding fathers. But I utterly lost my mind when Democrat after Democrat walked to the microphone, misquoted the bible and blasphemed the word of God!

I was so angry, that they would totally pervert the word in order to pervert marriage that I could not contain myself. The worst part was that not one “Christian” conservative legislator got up to correct them. Well, thank God for Ralph Drollinger of Capitol Ministries; because he did!

In his September 6th Bible study “Does Jesus Support Gay Marriage?” Drollinger deals with the faulty presuppositions those Democrat lawmakers used to support their immoral arguments. His main points are as follows:

Faulty Presumption #1: Jesus’ highest calling is to love other people.
What the Bible Says: Jesus’ highest calling is to love God.

Faulty Presumption #2: It is unloving to oppose gay marriage, but loving to applaud and support it.
What the Bible Says: It is unloving to support sinfulness, and god judges people who applaud the sinfulness of others.

Faulty Presumption #3: Jesus supports homosexuality because he views everyone as equal.
What the Bible Says: Jesus sees everyone as equal in their ability to receive salvation. We can all accept Jesus in our hearts, ask forgiveness for our sins and turn from our wicked ways.

Faulty Presumption #4: The love of Jesus leads to moral license.
What the Bible Says: The love of Jesus never leads to sinful behavior.

Drollinger goes on to clarify exactly what the Bible does say about homosexuality, same-sex marriage and those who support these sinful behaviors. It truly is a great read!

Craig DeLuz

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