Friday, December 9, 2005

Christmas is Back!!!!

Over the last few years the anti-God movement has been on a mission to remove Christ from Christmas. Well those who truly know the reason for the season are fighting back. And we are winning!!!!

Today, the Los Angles Times reports today how retailer after retailer is changing their tune.

A few weeks ago, banners outside every Lowe's store in the nation announced a sale on "Holiday Trees." Hundreds of Christians called to complain that the home-improvement chain was shunning Christmas.

The banners came down. Now the fake firs and pines are clearly labeled "Christmas Trees."

Target, too, started the season with a generic marketing theme. It pushed holiday plates, holiday leggings, holiday ornaments, holiday trees — with nary a mention of Christmas. Then, more than 500,000 shoppers signed an online pledge to boycott the chain. This week, Target promised to bring more Christmas into its stores as Dec. 25 approaches.

For the third year in a row, Christians nationwide have mobilized to put the holy back in the holiday. And they are winning battle after battle.

Their most publicized victories have come in the retail realm, where they have urged stores to acknowledge that the December shopping frenzy is not just about scoring a cheap DVD player, but also about celebrating Christ's birth.

Walgreen Co. says it's too late to change this year's "holiday" circulars, but in response to dozens of customer complaints, it has promised to bring back the word "Christmas" in its 2006 ads.

Macy's — the subject of a small boycott last year — sent activists a letter touting its use of "Merry Christmas" in ads, store windows and a TV jingle. A Macy's executive vice president, Louis M. Meunier, pledged that the company would use Christmas in even more marketing next year.

This just goes to show what happens when we take a stand. Economic boycotts hit retailers where it counts… in their pocketbooks.

Now that we have saved Christmas, maybe we could consider working to protect the family or the lives of innocent children. They are at least as important as Christmas…Aren’t they?

Craig DeLuz

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