Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Pastor looking for a few good straight men for “Mr. Heterosexual Contest”

If we can have Gay Pride Parades, why not a Mr. Heterosexual Contest?

That is what Pastor Thomas Crouse of Holland Congregational Church thought as he began organizing the first ever Mr. Heterosexual Contest.

The Republic is reporting:

He is sponsoring a "Mr. Heterosexual" contest, where contestants will tear Oprah magazines, play "Name that Potato Chip" blindfolded, discuss the best use of duct tape and display a talent.

All for $100 and a "Mr. Heterosexual" trophy.

And needless to say, the “Champions of Tolerance” have once again made their presence felt.

The contest has raised concerns from gay activists, and after threats of protests, Crouse is now looking for a new location to hold the Feb. 4 event. He said he has received "threatening, perverse and jaded" e-mails.

"Sturbridge Host Hotel told me today they won't hold it there," said Crouse, blaming pressure from the gay community.

"I anticipated some reaction, but what surprises me is how intolerant people who preach tolerance can be. I'm not a gay-basher ... This is a funny event," said Crouse, who discussed the contest with Tucker Carlson recently on MSNBC.

What these folks have a problem with is the fact that part of the event will feature a talk by a man who once lived the homosexual lifestyle.

The event will also feature an appearance by a man who once lived what Crouse calls "the homosexual lifestyle" but has been "freed through Jesus Christ."

"If someone's a homosexual and struggling with homosexuality, then Jesus Christ can free them from that," Crouse said. "Christ is the answer for all sinners."

The existence of anyone who has left the homosexual lifestyle is a threat to gay activist’s claims that they are born gay. It would mean that they have chosen to be homosexual and can thus, choose not to be homosexual. That is why some will go to great lengths to silence or discredit those who claim to have left the gay lifestyle.

I have always wondered how it is that if someone chooses to be homosexual after years of being heterosexual, they are said to be “coming out of the closet” or “choosing to be who they really are.” But if someone decides that they want to leave the gay lifestyle, then they are accused of being "brainwashed", “in denial” or “living a lie.”

Craig DeLuz

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