Tuesday, January 3, 2006

2 out of 3 Americans don’t know the Star-Spangled Banner. Campaign to re-teach the national anthem starts today!

Imagine you are at a sporting event, community gathering or political rally where the national anthem is being performed and you notice that most of the people in attendance aren’t singing. Why not? Could it be those few obscure notes that most of us couldn’t reach on our best day? Nope! Chances are people aren’t singing because they don’t even know the words.

A recent survey reveals that two-thirds of American adults don’t even know the words to the Star-Spangled Banner; the world’s most recognizable national anthem. Well, despite the fact that patriotism is no longer considered politically correct in the United States, a group of music teachers are launching a national campaign to re-acquaint our students with the National Anthem.

The Miami Herald is reporting:

A recent survey by Harris Interactive shows that two out of three Americans can't recite all the words to the Star-Spangled Banner, arguably the world's most famous anthem.

Now a group of music educators has launched a campaign to re-teach the anthem throughout schools across the United States. Called the National Anthem Project, the nonprofit group plans to host contests for students and parents to see who can sing the anthem, written by Francis Scott Key. Singing begins at a pre-game event at today's FedEx Orange Bowl followed by an inaugural ceremony on Wednesday.

Bravo for them! I can only hope that their efforts aren’t thwarted by the liberal educrats who have made concerted efforts to stop any form of patriotism; arguing that it may offend and even discriminate against some students who do not wish to participate.

Craig DeLuz

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