Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Why is Iraq War coverage so negative? MSM covering war on the cheap!

Definition of hypocrisy: The media railing against the military for going into Iraq with too few troops and then sending too few reporters in to cover the war. But according to experts, that is exactly what they have done. is reporting:

Journalists are reviled by many for alleged negativism and over-focus on bad news in Iraq. Or perhaps the problem is: Their employers are just trying to do it on the cheap. Ironically, the same media that criticizes the U.S. for sending too few troops to stabilize Iraq send too few reporters to cover much more than the dramatic bombings around Baghdad.

Just about every soldier I have spoken with who has been to Iraq has expressed to me how perplexing it is to see how different media reports on Iraq are from their actual experience. Well this explains it.

Most reporters in Iraq stay close to Baghdad, and that’s where the bloody news and contentious politics are, often staged for their coverage. Articles about boring days patrolling peacefully in other 15 provinces, or of Iraqis rebuilding, are not considered as newsworthy.

In other words, why report the good news when it does not sell; especially when the terrorists are so willing to make it easy for them by staging attacks right in front of them.

What’s the old media adage? “If it bleeds, it leads!” ... especially if it's Cheap!

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