Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Craig DeLuz on the Capitol Hour- The Republican Reformation

“And if by these things you are not reformed by Me, but walk contrary to Me, then I also will walk contrary to you, and I will punish you yet seven times for your sins.” Lev 26:23-24

Republican voters sent a clear message to Republican elected and candidates- start governing like Republicans or we will send you packing! So have we learned our lesson?

Is this the beginning of the Republican Reformation?

We will be talking about this and more TODAY on the Capitol Hour.

Details Below:

When: Today, November 26th

Station: KTKZ 1380AM

Live Audio Steaming at (for those of you out of the Sacramento Region)

TIME: 12 noon-1 pm (PST)

Call in Numbers: (916) 923-3300 or 1(800) 923-1380

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Craig Deluz,

Your show is great, rivelling Hogue's. I'm trying to figure out how to navigate this site. I want to leave you with my comment left on the Cal Dem Caucus site.

I'm the art teacher you met at the "final" Republican Sac Co. meeting.
Here's my comment to the Gerrymandered Demo legislature:
I was once very liberal as an art teacher in California schools. I've witnessed the virtual destruction of real education in our schools at the hands of my college comrades, who do this "For the Children". Really, our tax money is diverted for massively wasteful purposes which amount to a liberal adult employment plan. Sc__w the kids' education. I've worked in schools where 10th graders were taught at the 3rd grade level, kids from Arkansas were 3 years ahead and foreign exchange students laughed at us and just went home in disgust.

This is all due to you guys. In our so-called "good" school district, one third of all graduates graduate outside of the normal high schools, utilizing charter, religious, private, home schooling, et al, as the people walk away from the increasing failure of Cal Ed. This doesn't take into account the vast, increasing number of dropouts.

You've done the same to our once wildly prosperous and innovative business climate. You've wrecked the 5th strongest economy on earth in your murdering the goose that laid the golden eggs, by your mean-spirited over-taxing/official harassment of innovators, risk-takers, creators of businesses and jobs. You've driven growing thousands of businesses out of California, and taxed many others into extinction. Each business you've wrecked takes away 5, 10, 30, 500, 10,000 jobs from California's people whose prosperity you've sacrificed to your ideology. Your actions eliminate your tax base . . . but, hey, for you it's just other peoples' money. Your asses are covered no matter what.

Jobs for the people is the big thing you've blindly ignored as you push your marxist imperatives upon the people and thusly destroy California's unique economy in your bargain with the devil. Wherever on earth your marxist thought has pervaded, failing everywhere it's been tried, human misery is the main product.

As you've utilized the famous "Useful Idiots", copying Saul Alinsky, you've become the "Enemies of The People"!