Monday, August 21, 2006

Homosexual Indoctrination Bill Passes the California Assembly

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The hotly contested SB 1437 was approved by the California State Assembly this afternoon. As amended, this measure states that No teacher shall give instruction nor shall a school district sponsor any activity that reflects adversely upon persons because of their race or ethnicity, gender, disability, nationality, sexual orientation, or religion…

In other words, only positive images of this homosexuality are allowed in school.

Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez presented the bill before the Assembly for the author, State Senator Shelia Kuehl. And in his closing he made it a point to say that this bill would simply create a safe and “discrimination free” environment in our schools; which is a bold faced lie! It makes it against the law for a public school teacher to share information, no matter how factually accurate that would portray homosexuals in a negative light.

For example: A health class instructor, when discussing the spread of AIDS in the United States, could not share the fact that Male-to-Male sexual contact has been responsible for more people contracting the disease in the US than all other causes combined; even though this is backed up by data from the Center for Disease Control.

So essentially, SB 1437 forces our schools to teach one side of the story. And by definition, that is not education. It is indoctricnation!


Here is the Press Release sent out by the California Assembly Republican Caucus


SB 1437 Imposes Special-Interest Political Agenda on State’s Classrooms

SACRAMENTO – Assembly Republicans today strongly criticized Democrats for passing an intrusive measure that will impose the political agenda of narrow special-interest groups in public schools across California.

“Our children should be given a complete and honest picture of the struggles, sacrifices and successes that have made America the nation it is today,” said Assemblyman Doug La Malfa, of Richvale. “The narrow political agenda of some Sacramento politicians should never alter how lessons are taught to students in our public schools.”

Senate Bill 1437, by Sen. Sheila Kuehl, D-Santa Monica, would prohibit schools from engaging in any activity or using any instructional material that reflects negatively upon individuals because of their sexual orientation. While Democrats recently amended the measure to delete provisions that would have required the teaching of the history of homosexual Americans in public schools, Republicans believe that imposing lesson plans from the State Legislature is still a flawed approach.

“While this measure is not as intrusive as first proposed, it is simply wrong for state lawmakers to usurp the role of accountable school board members by mandating from the Assembly floor that teachers portray one group of Californians solely in a positive light,” La Malfa said. “It is offensive to California’s proud tradition of academic freedom and diverse viewpoints on our school campuses, something liberals say they have been fighting for since the 1960s.”

The measure now returns to the Senate for concurrence in the Assembly’s amendments. Governor Schwarzenegger has indicated publicly that he intends to veto the measure when it reaches his desk.

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