Monday, August 21, 2006

Salem has nothing to say about Hogue’s release…

It appears that word of Salem’s plans to let Eric Hogue go is getting around. As a matter of fact, the Sacramento Bee is even covering the story. And according to them Salem has “…nothing to say about it.”

Sam McManis posted a piece at stating:

We called the normally chatty Hogue, who clammed up really quick when the subject was broached. He referred us to Tom Holiday, the general manager of Salem Communications' Sacramento stations, which include KTKZ. Holiday referred us to Denise Davis, director of communications at Salem's headquarters in Camarillo.

"We have not announced anything," Davis tells us. "The information out there is premature. We have nothing to say about it."

Well for the record let me say that it was not my good friend Eric Hogue who told me.

The information in my post KTKZ is canceling the Eric Hogue Show- The Death of Conservative Talk in Sac? It actually came to me by way of the capitol rumor mill. A fellow staffer sent me an email to ask if I had heard anything. And after a few calls….(me being nosey) I got a call from some of the advertisers who confirmed the story. Evidently, they were notified by KTKZ sales staff and they were none too happy.

So I wonder what Salem means when they say “The information out there is premature”?

I doubt that it means they will change their minds, but I can still be hopeful. Let’s Keep those emails coming folks!!

Send an email to : and let them know that we want Eric to stay! And that we value local conservative talk here in Sacramento. And then send this email to every conservative you know within the KTKZ listening area.
BTW. Be nice! Be polite! And let them know that we appreciate all that they have done for the conservative movement in Sacramento. We just want Eric to stay!

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